As an insurance broker, I really like the new commercials being shown, how flood’s are never covered by a homeowners policy. Flood insurance is a separate policy sold by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Many consumers (and even our clients) assume that floods are covered on a homeowner policy.
Flood maps have been drawn in the United States since 1929 and this is where the rates are drawn from – from your particular zone. Flood zone maps are in every jurisdiction engineers or town planners office.
This is where us insurance agents get the zone to figure out the flood rate to charge someone. So it is not an insurance rate that can be “shopped”, as it is a set rate. Then us insurance broker’s decide which insurance company with be the “servicing” company for this insurance policy.
It is always wise to as your insurance agent about certain coverage’s instead of assuming that they have certain coverage’s. Asking questions is always better than us saying after a claim….No, that is NOT covered!
Tom Larsen,