Hunter’s, Guns and your home owners insurance.
Most true hunter’s (I am not) probably own at least 3 guns. My friends and clients tell me this is a normal thing for an avid hunter.
Well I would bet that these hunter’s don’t realize they they have a limited amount of coverage on their homeowner’s insurance policy. Some will give $1,500, some $2,000 and some insurance companies $2,500. So there is very limited coverage for someone who is a true hunter.
Jewelry, fine art, guns…are just some of the items that have built-in limited coverage on a homeowner policy. You would be wise to check your policy every 2-3 years or so, just to make sure coverage has kept up with your lifestyle.

So we may accumulate things over time – maybe from a grandparent or parent and fail to realize the true value of the item. And if you add on gun coverage or jewelry coverage or fine art, then an appraisal or bill of sale for that item would be required.
Hunter’s, Guns and your home owners insurance.
Don’t be caught short with limited coverage. Review your homeowner’s insurance with your professional agent every 2-3 years.
Or call us 716-684-3203 to help you with a review.