Thankful for our Real Estate Investor clients.
Writing insurance for a new real estate investor today, someone who bought his 1st 3 properties. Because landlords are our specialty in our insurance agency, we were able to find him great coverage with none of our insurance companies.
We have another “seasoned” real estate investor, who just stopped in with her 28 properties for us to look at. She is way over-insured with each location and we are trying to get her reasonable insurance rates for all 28 properties.
We give thanks to the over 160 landlord’s we currently insure.
We give thanks for having over 8 insurance companies that want to insure landlord’s.
We give thanks for running W.N.Y. Real Estate Investors.
We give thanks for our clients listening to our professional advice.
We give thanks for all the referrals we receive.
We give thank for the friends we have made through Real Estate.
We give thanks today, for paying claims when incidents happen.
We give thanks for the trust our clients continue to have in Larsen Insurance.